RmscopII is a Tcl/Tk script responsible to redirect protein structure files (PDB files) or RasMol scripts to multiple RasMol sessions. It can be used as a web browser helper application or as a standalone program.
The program is aimed to people who need to look at many protein structures possibly rendered in different ways.
5 December 2002:
Release of version 2.2 for all platforms!
RmscopII is moving out of Beta status.
1 February 2002:
RmscopII web pages moved on SourceForge. 20 September 2001:
RmscopII v2.1 beta for Mac is available for download. 05 September 2001:
RmscopII v2.1 for UNIX and MSWindows is available for download.
RmscopII is also accessible at SourceForge! Any contributor to the code development is welcome :)